Literacy Project Proposal

    I believe the best way to reach students and convince them to begin reading is to make a video. I believe the biggest reason people don't read is because of a lack of interest; a video is a great way to catch people's attention and show off the different things that make reading interesting. There is no real way to guarantee people's attention, but a prominent and engaging video has a better chance than a poster they won't even see. 

    The video itself does not have to be very complicated. I think it will be something that maybe shows off the purposes of reading and different genres and gives recommendations for people to get started as readers. Those will be the main components in convincing viewers to read. However, the video also has to be intriguing. To grab people's attention, there can be a skit at the beginning or a dramatic intro of some kind. After that, it will lead to short blurbs about the joys of reading. The video has to be flashy, with epic music, over-the-top effects, and recognizable titles that are sure to grab people's attention.

    The final obstacle to this proposal is distribution. The best way to get a video seen by as many students as possible would be to get it aired on the Cub Broadcast as well as post it on YouTube and other social media platforms. 

    As I mentioned before, there's no way to guarantee anyone's attention, but I am sure that an attention-grabbing video with enough different types of books and genres is the best way to pique people's interest, even if it is only a few people at a time. Once people get interested in one starter book, it will become a slippery slope into more books of a wider variety.


  1. Do you have any ideas for what books you might choose?

    1. I'd definitely include big ones that everyone knows, like Harry Potter, or Hunger Games, but I'd also branch out a little, maybe some of the books from our daily reading minutes.

  2. Do you plan to include any big recognizable names?

    1. Recognizable names in book titles? Yes. Recognizable Celebrities? Probably not but I'd be open to it.

  3. You should get enough titles but not too much so you can include enough titles but also to not overbear them.

    1. Yeah of course! I was thinking a quick montage of some kind during the video.

  4. How long do you think the video will be ?

  5. Unlikely, I think the video itself will be good enough.

  6. how are you planning on getting your video on the cub broadcast


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